Monday, September 10, 2012

the sun sets

this is what the sunset looked like last night. incredible, right?

if you knew me well you would know that i don't like change very much. i know it's inevitable, but i still tend to run from it. change means that i may have to be a little uncomfortable. i might have to adjust. i might miss what used to be. but, i also crave change. i want it. i need it. for the goodness of my soul. for the progress of my life. at church yesterday i heard something simple yet very profound. 

the Lord does not expect perfection, 
but he does expect progress

i felt like the meeting yesterday was perfectly tailored to what my heart needed. i sat in the chapel as the meeting went on and tried to hold back the tears. my heart was full. i knew that although life wasn't getting any easier, the Lord is always there. always by my side. i know if you're not changing you're not progressing. progress is what we need. it's good for us. so even though the future looks bright, it also looks like there will be change. change that is a little scary. and for some odd reason i feel okay about it. surprisingly, i don't feel anxious or worried. perhaps it's because the change is necessary and will help mr. rex and i grow closer. in my heart i know that we are getting closer to what is right for us. the sun will set on a phase of life, then it is time to move on to the dawn of a new day. a new phase.

do you ever feel like you took a wrong turn? or think that somewhere you must have missed something? in my experience that "wrong turn" turns out to be the path way that leads us to what is right and good. maybe it took a little longer to get to where you needed to be, but once you've arrived you never doubt that where you are is the right place. i guess my point is, we all stumble. we all change. we all make choices. as long as we are doing our best we will end up where we need to be. not necessarily according to our timeline, but according to His. i'm glad the spirit tugged at my heart yesterday and helped me remember that.

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