Thursday, September 4, 2014

3 months!

my baby is 3 months old!

i can hardly believe it! life is seriously flying by and it is always changing. he is now in size 3 diapers, gnaws on his fists and has started to drool... so i think that teething has started. he is still usually sleeping 8-10 hours a night. he usually starts to get sleepy around 7 and goes to bed around 8. it's really great because tyler and i get to spend some time together before bed. he is smiling and laughing now. it is so much fun tickling him and being silly with him. he loves his swaddle, sleeps super well in it, usually.

mostly i feel like the overall vibe i get from rockwell is that he is happy. he loves to smile and play. and that makes me super duper happy!

i love him more and more everyday!

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