Wednesday, February 4, 2015

8 Months Old

My baby isn't so much of a baby anymore. It's really hit me the last month that he is going to be walking and talking soon. His 1st birthday is just 4 months away! I don't want to miss a moment. I want to remember everything about each moment we share each day. Rockwell is my little buddy, my dancing partner, the source of lots of laughter and yes, some frustration and sleep deprivation, but he is such a good boy. I can tell he has a good heart and a happy and social temperament. Although its hard to let go of my little baby, I am also looking forward to each new stage and the fun experiences they bring. I am trying my very best to not wish away these precious moments, I know I will look back on this time and miss it. My heart already aches just thinking about my newborn babe, fresh from heaven. 

And a list of things he's all about lately, so I can remember...

He is army crawling and is into everything that's within his reach. Time to baby proof. 

If he can grab it he wants to chew on it.

He tried puffs today and he can chew them pretty well, but he can't figure out how to get them into his mouth.

He laughs and smiles all the time.

His baby babble is happening more and more these days. It's so cute. 

He still nurses and falls asleep for bedtime and wakes up once to nurse around 3/4 am. 

Takes two naps usually and sometimes only one if he has a big first nap.

He loves bath time. Splashes all over the bathroom, but I don't even care. 

Loves mickey mouse club house, I let him watch once a day usually. 

Eats like a champ... solids 3 times a day and now has two servings for lunch and dinner. 

Went to disneyland for the first time this month. He enjoyed it as much as an 8 month old can. 

Wearing 9 month jammies.

Has his two bottom teeth.

Plays pretty well on his own so that I can get things done, finish getting ready etc. although now that he is crawling I can't leave him unsupervised very long. I think its time for a pack n play... or some kind of cage. 

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