Colton Scott Dickson! Tyler and I got to go see Colton, Shira and Devin today and what a cute little family! And bonus: Shira's brother Devon and his wife Whitney drove down from Utah and they were there too! Shira's brother Tanner and her parents showed up too! It was a party up in there! Some of Devin's family and his long time friend also came by. It was fun to visit and celebrate with the Dickson's whom we love so very much! Shira is tired as expected, but she is doing well and is all smiles as soon as she talks about, holds or looks at her son. I am so proud of her. She went through so much to bring that sweet spirit to earth. What a blessing it is to know that Colton will be raised by loving parents who have a knowledge of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful for the opportunity that little Colton has given me to reflect on the true purpose of everything we do in life. Families can be forever if we will follow the commandments that we have been given. I thought a lot about the Temple and the power of Celestial Marriage. My heart is full of gratitude for my family, for the gospel, and for the example of such a strong woman, my beloved cousin Shira. Congratulations!!!
motherhood looks good on shira! it amazes me how one minute it seems like theres this tiny itty bitty little baby inside, and then it's out, and it's like...whoa, how did this baby ever fit in there?? so happy for your family! and hey amy, colton looks waaaaay good in your arms. whenever you guys take the plunge, you'll be a great mama.
wow what amazing pictures! They'll treasure those his whole life. He's adorable!
Aw! I love the pictures--you caught some great moments! Miss you guys already...
You know, you look good with a baby...
colton is so dang cute! I just want to eat him up! i love what wendy said. ahahaha...ya know everyone is thinking it1
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