Last Weekend my family headed down to San Diego for a short vacation in honor of Kimberly's graduation from GIA (Gemology Institute of America). Thursday was Sea World and the gas lamp district, Friday was lunch for my Dad's birthday, Kim's graduation and a bbq in Oceanside, and Saturday was a little bit of laying out by the pool and then the drive home. It was a really fun, short trip, but I am grateful to have had at least just a couple days to relax. I went on a couple sea breeze jogs (which makes me want to do everything I can to move to the coast) and I got to see grandpa and grandma who came down from Arizona! Tyler had a big test on Saturday morning and class on thursday night so he was only able to stay for part of the day friday, but it was worth it because he said he feels pretty confident that he did well on the test! And I even got a little color! Hooray! Thanks to everyone who made the trip so fun! :)